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Some sons, daughters and others providing care for
eligible frail, aging loved-ones with limited incomes may
now qualify to be paid for providing care to older adults
they know.
This is called “Consumer Directed Care”.
Consumer-Directed services are available in northwest
Ohio through a program called “PASSPORT” and a
program called “Choices”, which are Medicaid waiver
programs. Providers of the care can be friends,
neighbors and some relatives. This program allows
older adults to decide who will provide their care, how
their care will be provided and when their care will be
To qualify, the older adult must need assistance with
activities of daily living, i.e., help with bathing, dressing
and getting around their home. Eligibility is based on
income and assets. For example, a household of one
can earn approximately $2,130.00 in gross monthly
income (or less) and have limited assets.
The Home Care Attendant will assist the senior with
tasks like bathing, dressing, home making, yard work
and transportation. Persons hired as Home Care
Attendants must be approved by the State of Ohio.
Options Available To Some To
Be Paid Caregiver To Loved One
By Velvet Ellis & Justin Moore, Area Offce on Aging
Home Care Attendants are trained by their employers
who hire them.
Older adults who choose the consumer-directed
option must be able to direct their own care, keep
minimal fles and complete a brief training program
provided by the Area Offce on Aging staff. The
training involves educating seniors on their role as the
employer. This includes things like the hiring process,
training workers and background checks. Older adults
can also choose a person to assist them with their
employer responsibilities by appointing an authorized
representative. This person will act on the older adult’s
(employer’s) behalf to assist with hiring and managing
their care and services.
For more information on “consumer-directed”
services you may contact the Area Offce on Aging
of Northwestern Ohio, Inc. at 1-800-472-7277 and ask
for extension 1655. Or, you may visit our website at