HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? Serving Our Seniors is here to help Erie County residents, age 60+, maintain their ability to live independently and maintain their health. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, we realize your needs may have changed. Serving Our Seniors is attempting to adapt our services to meet your changing needs. This survey will help us to understand what we should do. By completing this questionnaire, you will help to inform the changes we will make over the next 6 - 18 months. 1. Are you an Erie County resident age 60 or older? (circle one) Yes No a. In what city/village/township do you live? _______________________________ 2. Due to Covid-19, has the unemployment of family members or friends caused more people to be available to help you, compared to before Covid-19? (check one) ___Yes, I have more people available to help me, now. ___No, I do not have more people available to help me, now. ___Does not apply to me. I don’t need help from family and friends. I am completely independent. 3. If you were working before Covid-19, how has Covid-19 affected your employment status? (check one) ___I remain employed throughout the pandemic and continue to work. ___I was laid off temporarily and have returned to work. ___I am still unemployed/furloughed/not working. ___I am still working, but my hours and/or wages have been reduced. ___I was not working before Covid-19. 4. Are you currently experiencing financial problems caused by the changes to your employment status? ( circle one) Yes No NA 5. What do you need assistance with now , due to Covid-19 and its risks and restrictions? Check all that apply ___ I don’t need any assistance due to Covid-19, and don’t expect I will need future assistance I need someone to do my shopping for me: ___ Now ___ Within the next year How often_______________________________ I need someone to run errands for me: ___ Now ___ Within the next year How often ______________________________ I need someone to take me places: ___ Now ___ Within the next year Where and how often ____________________________ I need someone to help me with Telemedicine doctor appointment visits: ___ Now ___ Within the next year How often ____________________________________ I need someone to help me with bathing: ___ Now ___ Within the next year How often_______________________________ I need someone to help me with housekeeping: ___ Now ___ Within the next year How often____________________________ ___ I need a mask. ___ I need other forms of assistance as described below HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? Return the questionaire in envelope provided. on the next page nd don’t expect I will need future assistance 13
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