Serving Our Seniors Magazine
“I remember, one day I wanted to go and get high. Something was telling me, ‘You need to stop what you are doing, right now. You need to look at your life and this is what you are to do… From that point, I went to Erie County jail and told the Jail $GPLQLVWUDWRU 7RGG 'HPSVH\ µ<RX QHHG WR ¿QG D FHOO and lock me up. I’m not leaving until you do.’” It was while he was in the jail cell that he asked himself, “What happened to you?” “What is forgiveness?” “What is real forgiveness?” He changed the way he spoke to people he met. “I wasn’t harsh and I wasn’t callous. You see, I wanted to change.” To want to change your life is where it begins. Some people are fortunate to lead charmed lives and others are not so fortunate. Negotiating the experiences that happen to us in childhood through later life can be challenging. Not talking about our experiences can lead to distorted views/beliefs, about ourselves, our value and our place in the world. If this describes how you feel, know that there are SHRSOH ZLOOLQJ WR KHOS \RX ¿QG DQVZHUV ,I \RX DUH age 60+ and would like the moral support of Serving Our Seniors to introduce you to the right person and place, it would be our pleasure to do this with you. Give us a call at 419-624-1856. Ask for a Senior Advocate Assistant. Patrice and Alphonso Darden. Married 38 years. 7R VDIHO\ GLVSRVH RI \RXU SUHVFULSWLRQ PHGLFDWLRQV '21¶7 WKURZ WKHP LQ \RXU WUDVK GRZQ WKH GUDLQ RU ÀXVK LQ \RXU WRLOHW ,QVWHDG JR WR WKH (ULH &RXQW\ 6KHULII¶V 2I¿FH &ROXPEXV $YH ± 6DQGXVN\ $VN IRU D Deterra Kit. It will neutralize your unwanted medications so the drugs are safe to throw away. Dispose of Unwanted Medications Paul Sigsworth, Erie County Sheriff 18
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