Serving Our Seniors Magazine
Are You an Elder Orphan? Quality Realty Linda Armstrong & The A Team / !/ !- %Ä Å %Ä %3&, *% Ä %Ä Å $ 3 Ä ,+ɦ1 (" ,3" & 1% , 21 0 ȿ An elder orphan is someone ZKR KDV QR VSRXVH VLJQL¿FDQW other, no close relatives or friends whom they can depend upon should their functional health decline. No one feels the pain of being an elder orphan more than a retiree who needs help in the home DQG FDQQRW ¿QG DQ\RQH IRU hire. Serving Our Seniors has felt the home health aid shortage for over 7 years. With each passing year, this shortage gets worse. Despite pay of $15.00/hour (with perfect attendance) plus gasoline cards and a car care account to pay for general car maintenance and repairs, there are no signs that young adults wish to start a career in the health care as a home health aid. The National Institutes of Health estimate 25% of those age 65+ are elder orphans. Because its prevalence, Carol Marak started an Elder Orphan Facebook page to help people think through and plan their later life as they age alone. This is something all of us should work on while we still have our health and are functionally independent. Here are some of Carol’s tips: 1. Plan early. If you are age 45 and unmarried, start planning now. a. Save your money b. Build your relationships with a variety of age groups 2. Work at staying healthy. a. Eat nutritious foods. (Food is medicine) b. Stay physically active. (Exercise is medicine, too.) 3. Develop hobbies and new interests to challenge your brain and your intellect. 4. Get your legal affairs in order so you know who and how someone can care for you. Serving Our Seniors would like to start a pilot project to help prepare those who consider themselves to be “Elder Orphans.” We are looking for up to 25 Erie County residents, ages 60+ who are functionally independent, today, and would like to make a commitment to participate in structured activities 1 through 4, listed above. To express your interest call 419-624-1856 and leave your name and phone for the Elder Orphan Project or send an e-mail to . In the subject line insert the words “Elder Orphan Project.” Carol Marak 23
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