Serving Our Seniors Magazine

7XWRULQJ (OVLH 6KH¶V *DLQLQJ &RPSXWHU &RQ¿GHQFH Elsie is living proof that it is never too late to learn something new – if you have the desire. The 75-year-old Sandusky resident came to Serving Our Seniors with a “Fire tablet” that she didn’t know how to use. She is meeting once a week with Breanna Gilliam DW 6HUYLQJ 2XU 6HQLRUV RI¿FH %UHH¶V WLWOH LV 'LJLWDO Divide Trainer. Elsie said, “For me to learn, I need one-on-one instructions. Bree shows me what to do and she works at my speed. When I run into trouble, she sees what I did wrong.” By seeing where Elsie get’s stumped, the pair develop a “Cheat Sheet,” which Elsie uses when she practices at home. “Bree writes everything out for me, step-by-step and I need that,” she said. To date, Elsie has learned how to open her tablet, which she could not do before being tutored. She can identify the Firelands Health System’s Patient Portal and will continue with tutoring so she can ¿QG WKH DSSRLQWPHQWV DQG PHGLFDO UHFRUGV VKH wants to read. She is also learning how to use the Weather Bug app, to check the weather and the forecast; and how to order groceries online. If you would like to be tutored on one thing or a variety of things using your smart phone, tablet/iPad or laptop, call Serving Our Seniors 419-624-1856 . Leave a message for Bree. She will call you back and set up an appointment. Serving Our Seniors Founder and Retired Probate Court Judge, Jane Lucal, said, “I really think Serving Our Seniors has been successful because there are so many people involved who really care.” -RKQ +XIQDJOH DQG 7RP 6ORPD ¿W KHU description. Jointly, they have left their marks RQ QXPHURXV QRQ SUR¿WV LQFOXGLQJ 6HUYLQJ Our Seniors. Then, Erie County Commissioner, Sparky Weilnau appointed John to Serving Our Seniors’ board in 2005. John served as President from 2009 to 2012. John said, “I have always believed when you accept a commitment to serve on a board, you have to do the best that you can and dedicate your time to make the organization better.” For John, leading is just a tenant in his philosophy of life. He grew up on a family farm and the oldest of 9 children. His father relied on him to lead on the farm as he worked full time in town. This carried over to his work for the Sears Company, as Manager, where he was encouraged to be involved in the community. John Hufnagle and Tom Sloma: They Lead Because They Care Tom joined in 2005 and was elected Vice President. He served from 2009 through 2011. Tom learned of Serving Our Seniors while serving as Oxford Township Trustee. He said, “My good friend Orlan Kuns, suggested I consider a seat on the board when I retired from the township. He knew I didn’t want to just sit idle.” Tom can relate to being in need. His mother passed away when he was 10 years old. He said, “My Dad raised me and my two sisters. A lot of people stepped forward and helped us out. That’s the reason I contribute to help as best as I can, because people helped me when I was in need.” Since stepping down from the board, both have remained active members on Serving Our Seniors Finance Committee. When you see John and Tom please thank them for their leadership. Their many years of volunteer service to Serving Our Seniors and multiple other organizations have made our community a better place for everyone. Serving Our Seniors thanks them! (L-R) Tom Sloma and John Hufnagle (L-R) Elsie and Bree. 7